Why Now?
"Impact investing is now a $500bn+ market, and ESG integration is increasingly becoming an essential part of the asset management industry’s value proposition—whether from push factors like regulation or pull factors like their clients’ needs. 93% of millennials believe the social or environmental impact is important to investment decisions, 66% of HNW millennials work for or own a company that integrates ESG values into its products, services, and policies, compared with 52% of all high net worth individuals. 58% of those under the age of 30 believe their wealth will enable them to help their communities. Better Finance is here to enable this shift."
Better Finance seeks to improve upon existing financial and business models to create innovative routes to investing for impact, identifying financially sound solutions, and creating the potential for above market rate returns commensurate with risk appetite. Better Finance identifies, assesses, and manages ways of allocating capital for its clients to achieve not just financial returns, but also social and environmental benefits that are intentional, measured and verified: catalyzing the creation of wealth for the investee as well as the investor. Increasingly, ESG policies are the first part of the journey: crafting and integrating environmental, social, and governance considerations into investments to meet regulatory, fundraising and stakeholder expectations.
The Better Finance vision is to take advantage of the investment opportunities offered by socially-minded and mission-driven enterprises in early and growth stages and connect these opportunities to the capital markets. By working with both patient and philanthropic capital, bespoke investments are structured using a variety of tools, including blended finance, to match the vision of the client and the needs of the growing companies.
How are we valuing nature, our employees, our communities, and what price do we put on good governance? These are material factors that have rarely be factored in adequately in financial decisionmaking. Better Finance works with investors to identify, assess and manage these factors, and puts in the place the instruments or strategies to succeed sustainably. Active ownership, engagement and stewardship in both private and public markets has a material impact on the financial and impact bottom lines.